How to Insert a Calendar in Google Sheets (2 Effective Ways)

An overview of the required output

We often require a calendar in Google Sheets to organize our tasks. Having a calendar in Google Sheets can be of great use to track an in-house marketing campaign, categorize a client’s upcoming projects, or allocate an event calendar with pivotal stakeholders. In this article, I’ll demonstrate 2 effective ways of how to insert a calendar in Google Sheets. I’ll also show an easy method to insert a date picker in Google Sheets. The following is an overview of the required output.

Table of Contents Toggle

A Sample of Practice Spreadsheet

You can copy our practice spreadsheets by clicking on the following links. The spreadsheets contain an overview of the datasheet and an outline of how to insert a calendar.

Inserting Calendar from Templates

2 Effective Ways to Insert a Calendar in Google Sheets

There are 2 feasible ways to insert a calendar in Google Sheets. One of these is to create a calendar manually and another one is to insert a calendar from the Google Sheets templates. Now, let’s start.

1. Creating Calendar Manually

Required data table to demonstrate how to <a href=insert a calendar in Google Sheets" width="697" height="384" />

Merging Cells of a row to Enter Month Name

Entering Month Name and Formatting the Merged Cell

Entering the First Week day

Using Fill Handle icon to replenish other weekdays

List of weekdays after using Fill Handle tool

Formatting the cells of weekdays

Checking the first date of the month

How to enter the first date of the month to <a href=insert a calendar in Google Sheets" width="699" height="452" />

Using fill handle icon to replenish the remaining dates of a week

Inserting date to a new row

Replenishing other dates for the second row using Fill Handle tool

Completed calendar for the first month

Selecting Custom date and time feature from the Number option of Format ribbon

Pop-up window to customize the time and date format

Customizing the date by keeping only Day information

A row in calendar with the newly customized date format

Using Paint Format feature to copy the format to other rows

The Calendar of the month of January 2023

creating a duplicate sheet for the next month calendar

Duplicated Worksheet

Insert the first date of February 2023 Calendar in Google Sheets

February month calendar created with the same steps as January month

A view at the manually completed annual calendar

2. Inserting from Google Sheets Template Gallery

If creating a calendar manually seems too tedious, you can insert a calendar from existing Google Sheets templates. Follow these simple steps to insert a calendar from Google Sheets templates.


Opening Google Drive for demonstrating how to <a href=insert a calendar from Google Sheets template" width="248" height="524" />

How to open Google Sheets Template Gallery Insert a Calendar

Selecting the Annual Calendar template from Template Gallery

The annual calendar in opened Google Sheets Template

Monthly Calendar in Google Sheets Template

Changing the theme of the Google Sheets Calendar Template

Selecting the Forest theme from Sidebar

The Google Sheets Template Calendar with Forest Theme

How to Insert a Date Picker in Google Sheets

Another frequently used tool in Google Sheets is a date picker. Here, we’ll discuss the process of inserting a date picker with Data Validation in Google Sheets. Let’s have a look at the following dataset. We have a list of tasks here. We want to insert date pickers for these tasks. Now, let’s start.

Dataset to demonstrate how to insert a date picker from Calendar in Google Sheets


Applying data validation

Adding a validation rule

Selecting data validation criteria

Selecting Is Valid Date as validation rule and rejecting invalid inputs

Inserting a date from date picker in Google Sheets

Customizing the date suing Custom time and date feature

Final output after picking dates from <a href=the inserted date picker in Google Sheets" width="405" height="221" />


This concludes our article to learn how to insert a calendar in Google Sheets. I hope the demonstrated examples were ideal for your requirements. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the article in the comment box. Visit our website for more helpful articles.

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