Introduction Letter to Healthcare Providers

Establish a relationship with healthcare providers to obtain referrals.

According to recent AMTA Massage Therapy Consumer Surveys, more than 70% of those who had a massage in the past five years did so for a medical/healthcare or fitness reason. One way to reach these prospective clients is to establish a relationship with health care providers.

Make Your Introduction Stand Out

  1. How can your training address their patients' particular health problems?

Introduction Letter

The most efficient way to make initial contact with a health care provider is to send a letter describing your qualifications and state what you want to do, and then follow up with a phone call to make an appointment. Your letter should include the following information:

Follow Up

After you promise in the letter to follow up, make sure you to do so on the date you have stated. Once a physician or other healthcare provider has agreed to work with you, make sure you thank them for the professional relationship you have established.

Additional Resources

Communicating and Collaborating with Healthcare Professionals

Read more about communication with healthcare professionals in this Massage Therapy Journal article.

Massage for Health

Explore the research on how massage can benefit a variety of health conditions.