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Other language versions

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python
2020: ISBN 149207294X
Google books, Amazon
Japanese (2020-06-11):
データサイエンスのための統計学入門 第2版 ―予測、分類、統計モデリング、統計的機械学習とR/Pythonプログラミング
2020: ISBN 978-4-873-11926-7, Shinya Ohashi (supervised), Toshiaki Kurokawa (translated), O'Reilly Japan Inc.
Google books, Amazon, Order here
German (2021-03-29):
Praktische Statistik für Data Scientists: 50+ essenzielle Konzepte mit R und Python
2021: ISBN 978-3-960-09153-0, Marcus Fraaß (Übersetzer), dpunkt.verlag GmbH
Google books, Amazon Order here
Korean (2021-05-07):
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 데이터 과학을 위한 통계(2판)
2021: ISBN 979-1-162-24418-0, Junyong Lee (translation), Hanbit Media, Inc.
Google books, Order here
Polish (2021-06-16):
Statystyka praktyczna w data science. 50 kluczowych zagadnien w jezykach R i Python
2021: ISBN 978-8-328-37427-0, Helion
Google books, Amazon, Order here
Russian (2021-05-31):
Практическая статистика для специалистов Data Science, 2-е изд.
2021: ISBN 978-5-9775-6705-3, BHV St Petersburg
Google books, Order here
Chinese complex (2021-07-29):
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 資料科學家的實用統計學 第二版
2021: ISBN 978-9-865-02841-1, Hong Weien (translation), GoTop Information Inc.
Order here
Chinese simplified (2021-10-15):
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 数据科学中的实用统计学(第2版)
2021: ISBN 978-7-115-56902-8, Chen Guangxin (translation), Posts & Telecom Press
Order here
English (Indian subcontinent & select countries only):
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R And Python, Second Edition
2021: ISBN 978-8-194-43500-6, Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
Order here
Spanish (2022-02-22):
Estadística práctica para ciencia de datos con R y Python, Second Edition
2022: ISBN 978-8-426-73443-3, Marcombo S.A.
Google books, Amazon, Order here

See also

Setup of R and Python environments

We recommend using a conda environment to run the Python and R code.

conda create -n sfds #Create the conda environment named sfds. conda activate sfds #Activate the environment we created. conda env update -n sfds -f environment.yml #Update the depencies of the environment from environment.yml 

The full list of Python and R dependencies from the environment.yml file:

python jupyter pandas matplotlib scipy statsmodels wquantiles seaborn scikit-learn pygam dmba pydotplus imbalanced-learn prince xgboost graphviz numpy adjustText r-essentials r-base r-vioplot r-corrplot r-gmodels r-matrixstats r-lmperm r-pwr r-fnn r-klar r-dmwr r-xgboost r-ellipse r-mclust r-ca r-ggplot2 r-irkernel r-boot r-randomforest