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LU Send Study Abroad provides experiences through Study Abroad and International Internship programs that impact the lives of Liberty students during their college careers and beyond. LU Send Study Abroad desires for students to go abroad and be holistically changed in ways that further prepare them to be champions for Christ.

All students who wish to study abroad or complete an international internship for their degree are required to complete the Advising process with LU Send, starting with Advising 101 through Pre-Departure Training.

Advising 101

The first step in the study abroad process is to attend Advising 101. This required session covers the different study abroad and international internship programs offered through LU Send and how to get started.

Please refer to the eligibility guidelines on the Policies & Guidelines page to determine if you are eligible to study abroad.

Advising 201

The next step in the study abroad process is to attend Advising 201. A link to Advising 201 will be sent to you after you have attended Advising 101. This required session covers the application process, financial aid, and academic requirements specific to study abroad and internships. After completing Advising 201, students can meet with a Global Program Coordinator to ask questions about specific programs.

Advising 301

After applying to their chosen program, students will attend an interactive Advising 301 session the semester before they go abroad. These sessions cover various topics that aim to develop students holistically as they prepare to live abroad. Students will receive an email to register for an Advising 301 session mid-semester.

Please Note: Residential students are required to attend at least one Advising 301 session the semester before they go abroad but are encouraged to attend as many as possible.

Pre-Departure Training

Once LU Send has approved a student’s application, the final requirement is attending the mandatory Pre-Departure Training. This session will cover safety and security, cultural intelligence, spiritual vitality and faith, and much more in the context of studying abroad. Students will receive an email from LU Send to confirm their attendance at Pre-Departure Training mid-semester.

Please Note: Students who fail to attend or do not have an excused absence from LU Send to miss Pre-Departure training will risk not being permitted to travel. Please contact if you are unable to attend for extenuating circumstances. All requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and students who received an approved absence will be contacted to schedule make-up training.

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